Sunday, May 17, 2009

Video Flashback: What does your girl want to do?

What's the most disturbing part of this video?

A. The guest soloist who quite possibly could be the love child of Rick James, Sally Struthers and Jane Child. (UPDATE: Apparently it really was Rick James. Why was he dressed as Sally Struthers and Jane Child's
B. The fact that the existence of this video means Pluto Nash was not Eddie Murphy's rock bottom.
C. Aqua--leather--suit. Strike that. I mean Awkward--leather--suit.
D. Somewhere, there's a high school that chose to have this song as their prom theme in 1985. You could have chose "We are the World," but no...

You make the call...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pop Goes the People...Cuz the People Go Pop!


Hear that?

That's the sound of what's cool and hip disappearing into the trashbin of the public conscious.

Kinda sad, ain't it?

Makes you wonder where all that stuff that you thought was cool (for about 6 days) went to doesn't it? I know where it all went.

It's all in my brain. And it's dying to escape....

The Macarena, Cherry 2000, Monica Lewinsky, Bill Allen, Kick! soda, the list goes on and on...

Stay tuned for stuff you can't believe you forgot and even more stuff you never wanted to remember in the first place....

Welcome back to the Jester's Castle. Where entertainment means triggering 20-year-old memories to be used only for evil. Pure, pop evil.

--The Jester